An account credit is a free credit issued to a customer for any reason. Account credits work within Scout's automated billing system. As appointments are completed invoices are updated live and account credits are applied. At the end of your billing period, pet parents receive a detailed account statement.
To add a prepaid credit navigate to the pet parent's profile or click the icon below.
Click on a pet parent.ย
2. From the customer profile menu navigate to Billing > Account Credit
3. Click the "Add Credit" Button
4. Complete the on-screen form.
* Check the box if you would like to notify the customer that they have received an account credit.
5. Click the "ADD ACCOUNT CREDIT" button to save.
6. Verify the the account credit is accurately reflected in the customer's credit balance.
Frequently Asked Questions
What's the difference between an account credit and a prepaid credit?
An account credit is a free credit issued to a customer for any reason.
A prepaid credit is used to charge the client's payment method in advance of a service.