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Downloadable Reports

Select a date range and download various financial and performance related reports

James Dixon avatar
Written by James Dixon
Updated over 5 years ago

To download a report, click the reporting icon in the left side bar or click the icon below.

Bank Reconciliation (credit card)

This downloadable report allows you to match credit card payment data in Scout to your bank deposits. Because this report is based on the payment date, you can also use it to calculate your revenue for the purpose of determining sales tax you may owe.

To reconcile your bank account, follow these steps. We’ve also made a video to help out.

Step 1: Download the report. Braintree batches your deposits by payment date and then by credit card type. To start, select a date range based on the payment dates you would like to include in the report and then click the “Download” button.

Step 2: Organize your data. Open the report, select all the data, and use the sort function in your spreadsheet software (Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets for example). Sort by the payment_date column, then by the credit_card_type column.

Step 3: Calculate credit card deposits. Different credit cards have different deposit dates. Because of that, you’ll want to calculate totals based on the following groupings:

Visa, MasterCard, and Discover (non-Amex)

  • Calculate total payments for Visa, MasterCard and Discover

  • Calculate total fees for Visa, MasterCard and Discover

  • Subtract the total fees from the total Visa, MasterCard and Discover payments

American Express (Amex)

  • Calculate total payments for American Express

  • Calculate total fees for American Express

  • Subtract the total fees from the total American Express payments


  • Calculate total for all PayPal payments

Step 4: Match Your Bank Statement. Once you have the after-fee totals for both non-Amex cards and Amex cards and the before-fee total for PayPal, you can match the total to your bank deposit or PayPal account. 

  • Visa, MasterCard, Discover, etc. typically deposit to your bank account 2 days after the payment date (for Scout automated billing that is typically on Thursday). 

  • Amex typically takes between 3 and 4 business days after the payment date to be deposited to your bank account (for Scout automated billing that is typically Friday or Saturday)

  • PayPal is deposited instantly to your PayPal account. Unlike credit cards, processing fees are deducted from the PayPal account after the funds are deposited (this is why we calculated total PayPal payments but did not deduct fees).

Bank Reconciliation (cash, check, etc.)

This downloadable report contains a list of all non-credit card payments that you may have accepted outside of Scout, such as cash, check or Venmo.

Invoice Summary

This downloadable report contains the raw invoice data in spreadsheet format, including date, customer name, payment status, totals and more. This report can also be uploaded into various accounting software.

Invoice Line Item Summary

This downloadable report contains every line item for every invoice for the dates you choose. This can be useful for verifying exactly what a customer was charged for a particular service on a particular invoice. This report can also be uploaded into various accounting software.

Sales Tax

This downloadable report contains the information needed to submit sales tax returns to your state and local governments. Run the report for the period you are paying and use it to calculate the total taxable revenue and amount due.

Payroll (downloadable)

This downloadable report contains the raw data Scout uses to generate pay stubs for your staff in the interactive payroll report (see above). This means it contains every line item for every paystub for the dates you choose. This can be useful for verifying exactly what a staff member is to be paid for a particular service on a specific date. This report can also be uploaded into various accounting and payroll software.

Realized Revenue

This downloadable report contains a detailed listing of every service, add-on, and surcharge completed during the dates you choose. This report gives you the flexibility to sort and analyze data as you see fit.

Realized Revenue (by service and surcharge)

This downloadable report contains a summary report of every service, add-on, and surcharge completed during the dates you choose. The information is conveniently grouped by service name, add-on name, and surcharge name, giving you an overview of the revenue generated for each.

Estimated Future Revenue

This downloadable report contains a detailed list of estimated future revenue based on scheduled appointments that occur in the future.

IMPORTANT: Because customer discounts are applied when an appointment begins, this report DOES NOT factor customer discounts into the cost. Instead, the costs are based on the global, non-discounted price of the service or surcharge.

Outstanding Prepaid + Account Credits

This downloadable report contains a list of all outstanding prepaid and account credits by customer.

Prepaid + Account Credit Transactions

This downloadable report contains a detailed list of every transaction related to prepaid and account credits, including when the credit was added, when it was redeemed and if applicable, when it was refunded.

Service Audit

This downloadable report contains useful information to review staff performance. This report includes:

  • scheduled arrival time (window) vs actual arrival time, 

  • scheduled appointment duration v actual appointment duration and

  • Information about late arrivals and how many minutes late the staff member arrived.

Late Appointments

This downloadable report gives you an overview of late arrivals by staff member. You can see how many times a staff member was late during the selected date range, what percentage of their walks are started late, and on average, how late they arrive. This report also helps you see how an individual staff member’s timeliness compares to the rest of your staff.

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