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Staff Availability Calendar

Keep track of your staffs' schedules in Scout.

James Dixon avatar
Written by James Dixon
Updated over a week ago

To set up your staff's availability, select the staff icon (pictured) from the side navigation bar.ย 

After navigating to the staff management page, click the "Availability" tab using the top navigation


Start by selecting 1 or multiple staff members from the filter to the left of the calendar area.


Select the view of your choice


Day View
Great for viewing your entire staff's schedule for a selected date.
โ€‹Week View
Great for making edits to a single staff member.
โ€‹Month View
Clear the filter. To see an overview of which staff members are working on a specific day click "more."

Add Availability For a Staff Member

For now, navigate to day view.

To enter availability, click on the calendar near the approximate start time for the shift you are scheduling.

Choose a staff member

*If you select a single staff member from the filter, this field will fill in automatically.

Confirm the date is correct.

Set a start time and end time for the staff member's shift.

* A start time is preselected based on where you initially clicked in the calendar.

Click "Save" when finished.

Repeating Availability

For staff with consistent availability, you can set repeating availability.

Repeat the steps above to add availability.

Check the box labeled "Repeat?"

Choose one of the 3 repeating options

Daily (7 Days a Week)



Click the "Save" Button, or "Cancel" to disregard your changes.

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