Staff Calendar

How to use the staff availability calendar in Scout

James Dixon avatar
Written by James Dixon
Updated over a week ago

To view the staff calendar, navigate to Staff in the side bar navigation and select the "Availability" tab.

The staff calendar keeps track of your staff and contractor availability by allowing you to enter repeating or one time availability.

One Time Availability.

1. Navigate to the date on which you would like to enter a new availability event.

The Staff filter can be found on the left sidebar of the Staff Calendar. You can select any number of staff to view.

2. Click directly on the calendar to select a start time and open the event builder. If you have selected only one staff member in the filter, the event builder will automatically select that staff member.

3. If you have not selected a single staff member in the staff filter start be choosing a staff member to edit.

4. Confirm you editing the correct date, edit the start time if necessary and choose an end time.

5. Click Save

Repeating Availability

To schedule a recurring availability, follow steps 1 - 4 above

5. Click on the box next to "Repeat?"

6. Chooses a recurrence of:Β 

Daily (7 days including weekends),
Weekly (Choose which days of the week to repeat), or
Bi-Weekly (Choose which days of the week to repeat)

7. Choose an end date or leave the event open ended.

8. Click Save


Closing windows and navigating between calendars is annoying. To help, we've made it super easy to switch between the appointment and staff calendars with the click of a button.Β 

Schedule View

Next to the Staff filter, click the πŸ“… button to open a new tab showing the Staff Calendar for all staff.

Appointment Form
From the appointment form:

  1. Select a staff member.Β 

  2. Click πŸ“… next to their name and you can jump right to the selected staff's availability.

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